City Council
The place where all your dreams come true, the place where you can get rid of all your problems…ok, let’s be serious – if you have any important things to do that are connected to your public life and to your stay in the city of your choice. Basically, the big place with lots of officials inside who are eager to help you but only if you wait some time in the line before.
The main areas of expertise
The main tasks of City Council are:
– issuing IDs
– issuing birth, marriage and death certificates
– issuing driving licences
– giving permission to purchase a council flat
– giving permission to build a house
– giving permission to sell alcohol
– processing the application of name/surname change
– and much, much more
Contact details
For the full list of City Councils in Poland with addresses and phone numbers, please click here. However, keep in mind that some of them might change in time, as for now we cannot track all of them. If you cannot find the one you were looking for or the address or phone number has changed, please use Google.